
Primary Causes of Heat Treatment Failures and How to Avoid Them

23 January 2023

The construction industry uses metal structural materials to ensure that the buildings remain stable and strong. The automotive industry also maximises metal parts and products to generate the chassis, engine, and other components of vehicles. Other industries that rely on metals are medicine, power, aerospace, transportation, and electronics.

Many procedures can be carried out to generate a wide range of metal parts and products. But one of the main procedures that must be done to create these things is heat treatment.

Heat treatment is a group of processes that subject metals to various heat levels so they can alter their microstructure. Metal workpieces subjected to heat treatment processes often come out stronger, tougher, and more resistant to wear. Some may even boast improved magnetic properties that can be useful in select applications.

Heat Treatment Failures May Occur

While companies carrying out heat treatment processes are already adept in conducting them, they can still fail in producing quality parts and products.

You see, metal workpieces that have not been processed optimally may show signs of breakage and cracks. They may also boast tension, granulation, and separation on their surfaces and underlying layers. These non-conformities can certainly cut not only the revenues of heat treatment companies but also the number of clients that are willing to work with them.

Causes of Heat Treatment Failures

To date, heat treatment failures may be caused by the following.

• Air Infiltration: Heat treatment failures may occur if air infiltrates into the industrial furnaces. Air can easily ruin the quality of metal workpieces that are subjected to heat treatment. Without preventing it from infiltrating the furnaces, the air can reduce the heat-treating temperatures, which can then threaten product integrity and increase operating costs.

• Inefficient Insulation: Insulation helps industrial furnaces carry out their intended functions throughout the heat treatment process. But with inefficient insulation, they may not be able to reach and maintain the correct heat treatment temperature. As heat losses become more prominent, the operation cost of heat treatment also increases. The lack of efficient insulation can also lead to damaged workpieces.

• Unchecked Equipment: Heat treatment may, ultimately, fail if the equipment pieces that will be used for the process has not been checked and calibrated. Even with small hiccups on these things, the molecular structure of the metal workpieces can already pose some issues, which can be expensive to resolve. Assessing and calibrating them before the process should be done to prevent product failures and additional expenses.

Rely on Alpha Detroit Heat Treatment

Heat treatment failures can be avoided by controlling the elements that go through the heat treatment site. They can also be prevented if the furnaces and equipment pieces will be assessed, calibrated, and maintained optimally.

But one more way to prevent heat treatment failures is to work with us at Alpha Detroit Heat Treatment. Once you contact us, you can ensure that our experts can carry out heat treatment methods without any failures. They can also ensure that the pieces of equipment used for the processes are checked and calibrated based on your requirements. They can even carry out excellent quality control, ensuring that you will only receive the best products out there.

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