
Heat Furnace and the Importance of Temperature Uniformity

17 July 2017

Does a factory full of furnaces look like some industrial hell? In point of fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Science-lab accuracy and high-tolerance engineering exactitude rule every processing stage. In those heated furnaces, temperature uniformity is a beyond critical quality, one that comprehensively eliminates heat treatment inconsistencies. Let’s really draw a line under the importance of temperature uniformity by examining a working heating system.

Delivering Atmospheric Fuel 

In catering equipment and powder coating ovens, powerful convection fans push large quantities of air throughout the cooking space. At first, that sounds like an efficient air supply solution, but then the heat treatment furnace gets pulled into the debate. This equipment operates on a higher level. In here, regenerative blowers distribute thermal energy. Air intake channels and special manifolds control the pressure, and a filtration system eliminates airborne contaminants. Beyond this carefully arranged air ducting architecture, there are pressure switches and metering devices, ancillary mechanisms that actively manage the air-to-gas ratio inside the furnace. Kept steadily at a 10:1 gaseous relationship, the atmospheric part of the heat treatment equation is therefore finitely controllable.

Examining Heat Furnace Technology 

As has been clearly demonstrated by the impeccably designed air supply system, heat treatment science values uniformity. Next, the combustible fuel supply needs to match the air management system. It does so by regulating the piped fuel. In this case, the chosen combustible fluid is natural gas. That gas is passed through a filtered series of NFPA 86 validated valves, a network that’s constantly monitored to ensure an unvarying flame is generated by the burner elements. In short, when that fastidiously controlled fuel stream ignites, these valves and monitors generate a flame that will evenly heat the entire furnace.

Assessing Burner Mixer Efficiency 

If we picture the filtered air and filtered fuel meeting in a mixing head, the high-velocity flame can be visualised as it rushes headlong down an array of tubes. Uniform heat erupts from the burner channels to heat treat every hidden recess, every surface feature, and every contour on and around any workpiece. The uniformity factor is assured at this point, with thermal energy evenly touching the unique profile of any conceivable geometrical outline. Meanwhile, back at the monitored burner valve train, exhaust energy is recycled until the furnace achieves full self-recuperative functionality.

If we’ve proven anything, it’s that the furnaces used in a heat treatment facility are technologically superior. The equipment controls every possible part of the combustion process. The atmospheric intake, the filtered fuel, the burner assemblies, every system and subsystem inside the furnace is regulated by electronic instrumentation. Controlled in this manner, the uniform distribution of furnace heat is absolutely assured.

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